Space Ship in the corn field

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Space Ship in the corn field

Post by DemonKnight »

I remember that in BG, that farmer just outside of Britannia to the east showed you a space ship, and says he killed the creature with the hoe of destruction. Does anyone know where this creature came rom, or anything about it, besides it's appearance, and the fact that it was sent after the guardian?
Chris Schumacher

Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by Chris Schumacher »

It was from the Wing Commander games, and it wasn't sent after the Guardian. Kilrathi is the name of the race, he wasn't trying to "kill Rathy".
I should also point out that the specific ship was that of the Prince that kept
showing up in the WC games, and who you eventually killed in WC3.
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Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by nadir »

Prince Thrakath, son of the Emperor of Kilrah. The early Wing Commanders were great
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Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by Dominus »

Let me inset my long-range goal for U7:
Have the ship made clickable and then the game switches to a space-fight engine (maybe just some invader clone) and you have to save Britannia from a Kilrathi invasion....
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Tristan de Inés

Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by Tristan de Inés »

Naa, I'd rather see being able to fly over Britannia a la Flight Simulator in full 3D with weather effects and animated NPCs you can observe as tiny ants going about their shedules from up to 2000 feet heighth.

Of course this would include implementing a runway on every major island and a fully-fledged airport in Lord Britishs castle.

Well, there are already plenty of control towers in place.

Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by CheshireKatt »

But it IS clickable, Dominus -- doubleclick it to start playing the Kilrathi Imperial March. The ship itself is just another musical instrument sprite, like the xylophone, only with a much less irritating song attached to it. :)

But yeah, "Kilrathi Invaders" would be a fun game too. I wonder what the bunkers you'd hide behind would be...
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Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by Annorax »

Making the object usable would be a great idea, no need for a magic carpet anymore!
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Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by drcode »

I like Dominus' idea. There is a Wing Commander clone project on Sourceforge. Perhaps double-clicking the ship could launch you into it:-)
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Re: Space Ship in the corn feild

Post by Daemongar »

Woo-hoo! I can see it now - you have to shoot down 20 ships to get the key from the princess!

Wait a second, for some reason this sounds familiar... :P
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Re: Space Ship in the corn field

Post by Colourless »

Well, think of it this way, if it were possible to fly the ship, then you'd be able to use Exult to make an Ultima 1 remake :-)

-Colourless Dragon
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Re: Space Ship in the corn field

Post by drcode »

Also, some of those WC weapons could be pretty handy in Ultima. You could have your party equipped with tachyon cannons.

Re: Space Ship in the corn field

Post by Mikser »

On off-topic, I don't think they had tachyon cannons in the original Wing Commander, or Wing Commander II for that matter. ;\

But yeah, the joke is rather entertaining. "Kill Wrathy" indeed!