serpent isle jawbone problem

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serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by sully »

I got the jawbone from Erstam, put 4 teeth in it went to use the serpent gate, avatar kneels, screen goes black, picture comes back, still in Erstams storeroom, what could I be doing wrong?

Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by Alexei »

yee, i have meet this problem too, but it is not bug. I haven't play SI for months, so i don't remember the right solution now. Maybe you should talk to Erstam or sleep and get some mana points. I'm not sure of this.
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »

A bug.
To use a gate (I do not mean gates on the Dark Path), you must just have a jawbone with at least 1 tooth in your inventory.
That's all.
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Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by Dominus »

Please send me the savegame.
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Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by drcode »

Do you need to have the tooth for the place you're coming from?
Max aka Moscow Dragon

Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by Max aka Moscow Dragon »


to be teleported to the Dark Part center, you must have at least 1 tooth in the jawbone and the jawbone in your inventory.
The check for particular teeth is later when you will go to the Dark Path - some iris doors will open and some will close.

Usually, you get both Erstam's and Monk Isle's teeth from Erstam, and then later the Moonshade tooth.
The Furnace tooth is at Rotoluncia's chest. It will lead to the locked door which can be opened from inside the Furnace only. BTW - SI has a bug - if you enter Furnace by that gate, you will not feel hot.
Monitor tooth is in corpse in Furnace.
The next 2 teeth are IIRC Fawn and the Northern Forest - in the body of Vasculio's victim in Skullcrusher.
The next are from Batlin.

Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by sully »

how do I send my savegame?
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Re: serpent isle jawbone problem

Post by Dominus »

well, start Exult and go to your savegame screen, click on the savegame you want to send and you will see the filename of the save.
that save is in your serpent isle path. Send me this one. To send me just click on my name above this post and if your mailprogram is set up corectly it will work.
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