I'd like to have a newly-added NPC react when the party is on the entry pathway into Fawn so that he barks and leaves the party. The coordinates I am trying are [1024, 1952], [1039, 1967] or [0x400, 0x7A0], [0x40F, 0x7AF], the top half of the pathway in, but using these with or inside PROXIMITY does not seem to work.
Code: Select all
var pos;
pos = get_object_position();
if (event == PROXIMITY)
// Fawn [1024, 1952], [1039, 1967] or [0x400, 0x7A0], [0x40F, 0x7AF]
if (pointInsideRect(pos, [0x400, 0x7A0], [0x40F, 0x7AF]))
delayedBark(MYNPC, "@Not bloody Fawn!@", 1);
gflags[911] = true; // testing only
I have a few of these I'd like to add in Usecode rather than map edit / add eggs, so any advice is appreciated.