Exult 1.0 Freezing on Linux?

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Exult 1.0 Freezing on Linux?

Post by Eris »

Hi, just installed exult 1.0 on Debian, running kernel 2.4.21 and U7:TBG seems to be working ok for a few minutes, however it will suddenly freeze with no error in the console window, I have to xkill it, fullscreen crashes in the same way as well..I haven't tried Serpent Isle yet, kind of frustrating because everything seems to work fine so far, but it's basically unplayable if I have to xkill and restart from a savegame every few minutes. I'm using an nVidia TNT2 if that helps..not sure a savegame would help in this case as I'm barely started in the game when this happens.. should I try to compile the newer version maybe?
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Re: Exult 1.0 Freezing on Linux?

Post by drcode »

The newer version has a lot of fixes, so you might want to give it a try.
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Re: Exult 1.0 Freezing on Linux?

Post by gregorik »

I'm playing SI (1.0) to death on a Slackware system without problems. Exult 1.1 won't even start though.
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Re: Exult 1.0 Freezing on Linux?

Post by nadir »

Won't even start with what error message ? I run Exult all the time on my Debian system (self-compiled) and it works like a charm.
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Re: Exult 1.0 Freezing on Linux?

Post by drcode »

I'm currently playing SI with the latest snapshot (of course). If you have List Field problems, you'll want to upgrade.