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The avatar can't walk worth anything.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 1:39 am
by cutelilitta
Just starting off, as I have with many versions before, but...
Now the avatar chugs as they walk, constantly stopping and starting. All the NPCs are moving fine, but the player character is unplayably janky. :o
I'm willing to bet that I've just have some settings misapplied, anyone have ideas?

Re: The avatar can't walk worth anything.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:38 am
by Dominus
You can try whether upping the fps better masks the problem.

Re: The avatar can't walk worth anything.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:40 am
by cutelilitta
Whoops, I think it's a glitch
restarting the game fixes it, but it is triggered again by any shift in the z axis whatsoever. Avatar just forgets how to walk on solid ground after walking up stairs or even over a piece of wood.

Re: The avatar can't walk worth anything.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:46 pm
by Fretka
I've been having a similar issue: game will be moving along normally, then moving becomes jerky and very slow. If I stand still, the game seems more or less normal. Sometimes goes back to normal on it's own after a few seconds, othertimes I have to save and reload.
Noticed a few coincidences: often happens at the same moment as some in-game event, like rain starting. Might be sometimes associated with walking over some object or boundary on the map.
Normally, the game uses less than 1% of my cpu cycles, but when the problem is occuring, that soars to about 10%, suggesting some issue with the game engine (caught in a loop or whatever?).