BG, create gold and gambling questions

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BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by PanSola »

I have a level 8 avatar. I casted "Create Gold" on a pile of coins sitting on the ground, but the spell just fizzles. Am I not casting the spell properly?

I went to House of Games, place a pile of 100 gold on the table (on the racing track part), but nothing happens after the race (money didn't disappear when I lose, and I don't make money when I win). Is this because I went there when the house is not open? (didn't see anyone like the manager or owner in the house).
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Unless I'm wrong, Create Gold creates a gold nugget from a chunk of lead. It does not duplicate coins.

Could be wrong though.

- Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Ares »

Your right. Use create gold on lead to create gold nuggets. Not really worth the trouble.
and for the gambling to work, it has to be open I think (its never worked for me while it was closed, yet its always worked when it was open.)
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

If you need quick cash, hit control-m :-)

- Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by PanSola »

thanks. (-:

I guess I was thinking create gold works the same way as false coins in SI d-:

I'm doing a non-cheat non-stealing, so didn't want to use ctrl-m, or to steal items from town-people's houses (unless they are evil AND attacked me AND died for it, or if they are companions who have joined me).

Hmm, chuncks of lead... time to head for minoc I guess d-: Or maybe Destard will be a faster money-making process.

BTW, if I don't joine the fellowship, but just wear the medallion I got from Christopher the dead smith's chest, will I still get gambling bonuses?

Hmm now I think about it, the false coin spell would be unvirtuous. There'll be a lot of haggling when I get to SI I guess (the mint doesn't have THAT much gold...)
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Or kill lots of goblins :-)

I believe you only get the bonuses if you have joined the fellowship. I believe it's triggered by Batlin's joining Usecode script.

Of course, I may be wrong.

- Wizardry Dragon

ps.: who ever worried about being virtuous? I go on guard mass killings whenever I need cash. Remember that pikemen's bodies are worth $100 a pop (-:
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands
Pan Sola

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Pan Sola »

Once you played though the game countless times, sometimes you'd just want that extra challenge (-:

Think of it as different difficulty levels of the game:

Cheating and unvirtuous -> Easy
None-cheating and unvirtuous -> Medium
None-cheating and virtuous -> Hard (though just slightly)

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Radu »

The virtousity of the game is kind of emssed up. In LB's castle, where you are his guest (not to mention savign Britannia quite a few times) if you try to take (I wouldn't call it stealing) food from the kitchen they attack you and NPCs are leaving the party, etc. That's kind of messed up. You wouldn't do that to a friend that's over your house, now would you? :)
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by SB-X »

> You wouldn't do that to a friend that's over your house,
> now would you? :)

Yes. Get yer own plate.

I play the game as an Avatar the first time through, and then less virtuously (they owe me) in successive games. But cheating and unvirtious is not Easy, it's cheating. I do it if I want to build a fortress and create enough equipment for a small army. >:)
None-cheating and virtuous is not Hard, it is the baseline IMO (medium). You have to impose more creative rules to make Ultima hard. (like no party)
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

I went through with just Iolo once. And he hindered more than helped. Has anyone ever tried teaching that old man to AIM with that crossbow?

And I'm busy creating my fortress and small army right now, thank you very much :-)

- Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

Exchanging a gold nugget for gold coins does not get you enough money to buy reagents for the Create Gold spell.
- Gradilla Dragon
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Yeah, but you can find reagents easy if you know where to look, except perhaps for black pearl.

- Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands
E. Jim

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by E. Jim »

Along some of Buccaneer's Den beaches you can find black pearls without too much difficulty.
Wizardry Dragon
Posts: 1241
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Yeah, but I never had much luck quantity-wise.

- Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Ares »

Not worth the trouble if you ask me. Better just to gamble to get the cash.
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Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Iceshard- »

Or hope of to that dungeon near Trinsic (Dastard?) that Batlin sends you to, when you try to join the Fellowship. When I went there, I took along 8 empty backpacks so when my current ones got full, I dropped them off on my carpet and pick up the fresh ones. The dragons drop gems, which are worth 30 gold at the jewler, and they respawn, so... :)

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by Ares »

Yea, but with gambling, you can make enough money to freeze an moderately old computer(550mhz P3) for about 15 seconds :)

Re: BG, create gold and gambling questions

Post by wildcatnz »

Place your beat on the numbers board, turn the 1.2.3 thingy, press "i" replace your beat, when the numbers about to stop ^_-