Is the current Exult version the final release?

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Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by H-B »

If you don't mind me asking, will there ever be another release? No, I'm not asking for dates, I'm just interested in knowing if the project was abandoned.

I ask this because there are some things that need to be fixed, like some graphic problems (such as the animation used when arrows/bolts/etc are shot, which is too slow, and the sprite of the missile isn't rotated so that it looks like it is aimed towards its target) and the behaviour of some NPCs (like Batlin).
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by marzo »

Yes, there will be another release, eventually; no the project hasn't been abandoned. And most of the problems you describe have been fixed in the actual current version (the 1.4.x development snapshots). I say "most" because I am unsure what are you referring to about the NPC behavior; could you be more specific?
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by H-B »


"Move Batlin's podium around while he's giving mass. Whenever he needs to talk to his flock, he will run to the podium wherever it is, so you can lead him on wild chases around the church in front of the congregation.

(Batlin is broken in Exult - play the real game instead)."


And not to be annoying, but: Will we be able to move any object (regardless of its weight) when using hack mover? And how about the bug that makes the mouse cursor freeze for a second when you attempt to move something unmovable?
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by marzo »

Indeed, some schedules don't work exactly right the original, yes; eventually, they will be fixed. As for objects: you can, with hack-mover, move any object regardless of weight. You can't move objects into containers too small for them, though, and maybe this could be "fixed". Although it is odd to have to fix a cheat that should not be part of the normal gameplay...
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by H-B »

"As for objects: you can, with hack-mover, move any object regardless of weight. You can't move objects into containers too small for them, though, and maybe this could be "fixed"."

OH! Yes, that's what I meant. Sorry, my memory seems to be hazy because I haven't played U7 in quite some months =(

"Although it is odd to have to fix a cheat that should not be part of the normal gameplay..."

I think you're mistaken. In native form, Ultima VII enables you to store any item in any container when in Hack Mover mode. Exult, however, forgets to disable the size check when in HM mode.

To see what I mean you can try this: Equip an empty bag (not a backpack) and go to Lord British's castle with HM enabled. Put the two cannons you can see when entering the castle inside the bag. Then got to Lord British's room, and try to store a chair in the same bag. You can't with Exult, but native U7 allows you to do it.
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by marzo »

I made no mistake: hack mover is a cheat, and cheats are not a part of normal gameplay; the fact that it is in the original games does not mean it is not a cheat or that it is normal gameplay. I was merely noting it is odd to have to fix a cheat.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
aka Geometrodynamic Dragon
[url=]How To Ask Questions The Smart Way[/url]

Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by H-B »

My bad. I thought by "normal gameplay" you meant "in native form".
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

Wow, are we arguing because Exult fixes problems in the original Ultima? That's ... odd :-(

Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by H-B »

"Wow, are we arguing because Exult fixes problems in the original Ultima? That's ... odd :-("


Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by H-B »

* Thinks *

Oh, are you referring to Batlin? I suppose it can be considered a fix. But then again, U7 is more fun without those kinds of "fixes", isn't it? =P
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by Dominus »

We've had this discussion before and back then the Exult team stood by the decision not to reimplement bugs of the original game. We have our own bugs to take care of :)
If you need those bugs then play the original with DOSBox. With modern computers it is painless to play U7 with it.
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by Beleg »

It is a great new! v 1.4.x...
I would like to take this opportunity to tell thanks to all people who works unselfishly in this project

Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by TDI »


Apart from it being uber-cool to recode and improve upon the best game ever made and being worshiped by thousands of Ultima-fans (myself included) from all over the world, I think that being part of the Exult team (one of the few open source gaming projects that actually went somewhere and is still going strong) will look pretty good on any resume.

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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by drcode »

Plus, there are the groupies.:-)

Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by Anon »

Someone should make a mod that re-adds all those fun bugs then. Those glitches made the game hilarious.
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by drcode »

As long as we don't add the "going to sleep and then having to reboot DOS" bug.:-)

Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by Anon »

Heh, good point. "Rest well, Avatar" indeed...

Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by olarin_has_bad_memories »

...or the NPCs ending up on roofs bug... or the SI bartering divide-by-zero bug... or the message i got the first time i got to the cube generator telling me my game was somehow horribly corrupted...
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Is the current Exult version the final release?

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

I liked the ended up on roof bugs though, in conjunction with the hackmover it lead to some hilarious instances of being chased across city roofs by angry guards.

"Is that virtuous, Avatar?"

Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands