U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

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U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by suraimu »

I hate every ape I see
From chimpan a to chimpan z
No, you'll never make a monkey out of me
Oh my God, I was wrong
It was Earth, all along
You've finally made a monkey
[Chorus] Yes, we've finally made a monkey
Yes, you've finally made a monkey out of me!
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by drcode »

Cute. But I don't catch the Simpsons reference.

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Trevor_Clim »


not funny... :)

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Kurt »

there's an episode of the simpsons where they go to see planet of the apes: the musical, which features the above song

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Tim »

Couldn't have made that a JPG huh? :)

And where did you get that crown? And what is it?
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by wjp »

It's the crown of Light (really useful item). It's somewhere behind a boulder in the blackrock mines.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Dominus »

strangely I am never able to see any picture that suraimu puts here. And when i copy paste the location of the picture it says that that file is not there. What do I do wrong (save for usinf a MS product)?
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by toad`sMoke »

i'm using ie5.5 and windows98SE. it works for me...
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by drcode »

Shows up in the latest Linux Mozilla.

That's one Simpson episode I've never seen.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Dominus »

http://sl1me.lfx.org/msg/apes.png that´s the url I get in IE6 and Opera and it doesn´t work for me. grrr.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by suraimu »

Sorry about the size, I just automatically save everything as a PNG these
days. :)

To those of you that can't see anything I post - what hostnames are
you from? I have a couple troublemakers banned totally from my entire
web site, so you might be on the same providers as them. To test it,
go to my main site (sl1me.lfx.org) and if you get the 404 page, that's
the problem.

If so, let me know your hostname so I can see if it's one that I don't care
about anymore or something and I'll fix it.

The crown the Avatar is wearing is the Helm of Radiance, of Silver Seed
fame, although for some reason it's a crown in U9. The crowny thing he's
standing near that looks like the sunken statue of Liberty from Planet of
the Apes is one of those crowny things in the ruins of Skara Brae.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Dominus »

Yeah, seems my host is one of the ones troublemakers are from :-(
My host is teleweb.at but goes through chello.at.
Well, I would certainly like to see those pictures you already put up here before as well (that shot at a comic you were talking about)...
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Patrick »

Dominus, if somebody hasn't sent you the picture yet, and you still can't get it, drop me an email and I'll email the picture to you.

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by suraimu »

There you go, Dom.

For some reason I didn't have your host banned, I had
the entire country code of 'at' banned. Someone really
must have ticked me off. :)

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Tim »

In the blackrock mines...

Well, screw it, I hate that place and those damn skeletons (they still come back even if I steal their bones) and no magic and no potions (except serpentwyne). I'm not going to search in there. All of my save games in that dungeon are titled "I hate this place" or "(explative deleted) skeletons". I loved Hythloth compared to Covetous.

In line with the Simpsons humor... "Worst Dungeon Ever". :)

Seriously tho, that was the most frustrating dungeon I've ever played in any game. Besides the skeletons, I seemed to have trouble using the elevator until I downloaded the final official release.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by XxVenomxX »

I don't care what anyone says. My ears almost started bleeding from that insanely annoying insect noise in Hythloth. My 2nd time playing through, I enabled thru-wall walking, and flying to snag all needed statues as quick as possible in that damn place, hehe.
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Dominus »

Suraimu: hehehe
banning the whole .at range - that´s a classic one :-)

Now that this is out of the way can you post links to that other stuff you have as png on your website (that comic that you mentioned before our board went down)?
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Tim »

You could have turned the volume down. :)

I didn't mind that insect noise very much. I thought it was done well, sounded just like real crickets.

I also hated those blasted fish. I really wish you could fight while in the water.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by drcode »

I liked U9, but swimming was not one of its strong points. Seemed like the Avatar couldn't hold his breath for more than about 10 seconds.

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Stephan »

Not to mention how the Avatar's "bounding box" was shaped compared to the actual swimming Avatar. It made it really hard navigating through narrow spaces.

I did like U9 too, though.

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by suraimu »

Errr... skeletons wouldn't come back if I stole their bones - what was wrong with your game?
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by XxVenomxX »

Well, it depends too. If you didn't steal the same bone from each skeleton, like the rib cage or the skull, then the bones from other skeletons would combine to make a new skeleton. I found that very cool, actually, hehe. I carried a whole skeleton with me once, and built in in the middle of Britain. Now if you *did* take the same bone from every skeleton, and they still came back, then I have no idea. :/
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Tim »

I thought the breath holding time was actually quite realistic. I did the test. I admit it. :) I held my breath along with him and was just about to the point where I needed to get some air when I floated to the surface.

And they did come back. :( Maybe I missed a couple.

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Stephan »

I usually took the ribcage of every skeleton I killed and threw them all into the ocean (or any nearby deep pit!). It worked great.
Rob D

Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by Rob D »

I have found another trick to get rid of them.. Well, it happened usually by accident, but when you put more than one skeleton remains on one place. then they seem to be unable to decide which one regenerates first.. I think I saw once a three story skel, with three ribcages, one skull, four arms, etc.
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Re: U9/PlanetoftheApes/Simpsons Humor

Post by XxVenomxX »

That never worked for me. I killed 2 in the same exact spot. They both just reformed. I dont think they attach multiples of the same parts
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro