Gaye taking over

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Rob D

Gaye taking over

Post by Rob D »

I have this particular problem, that at certain times ALL NPC's (except those who can join I think) turn into Gaye... This ALWAYS happens when I destroy the 2nd Generator. Is there anything I can do, before my Avatar gets paranoid?
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Re: Gaye taking over

Post by Dominus »

ahh, maybe we can get down to the cause of the savegame corruptions now. So, are you sure it happens after you destroyed the 2nd Generator?
Meaning, can you cheat just before it and teleport to an NPC that you know for sure turns into Gaye and make sure this NPC is still the one he´s supposed to be?
And also after you destroyed it, that those NPCs then turn to Gaye.

We´ve had those corruptions for quite some time now and haven´t been able to pin it down to anything so a savegame from you just before you destroy the generator could be just the right thing.
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Re: Gaye taking over

Post by wjp »

The 2nd generator? which one is that again?

And as Dominus said, we'd really appreciate a savegame right before the bug occurs.
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Re: Gaye taking over

Post by drcode »

Yes, that would be great if you've found the spot where things get corrupted.
Rob D

Re: Gaye taking over

Post by Rob D »

The 2nd Generator is the sphere in Destard (or despise), the one where the Timelord sends one to.
I will have to go there again, done the old player sin of not saving it, and then sending you a savegame.
I have also noticed that not ALL NPCs turn into Gaye.. Those you can let join seem to be unaffected as well as Lord British and Nystul. Perhaps the program cannot or doesn't want to find the data of the NPC's and uses the last possible NPC which would be Gaye...

Re: Gaye taking over

Post by Tim »

I think this bug is funnier than the bird flying through the door. :)

Re: Gaye taking over

Post by suraimu »

*casts homosexugeddon*

Vas Flam Bet Mani
Rob D

Re: Gaye taking over

Post by Rob D »

Well.. I think I would not mind when the male or female chars would turn gay... After all, I think BG is the only game where you can chose to have fun with a male or female.. . But I somewhat dislike when 80% or more of the population turn into a tailor who is a member of the Fellowship.. Makes it hard to find Hook..

[the door opened and a small group of men walked into the store. the owner smiled and turned around. "How may I help thee?" he asked polite.
The obvious leader of the group nodded back and uttered a word. "Name"
Blinking in confusion of this short word the owner nevertheless smiled. "Oh well, my name is Johnson.. "
"Job." it was more like a grunt that came from the stranger, hitting Johnson off guard.
"I'm... the blacksmith of Serpent Isle."
"Serpent Isle.."
Johnson was confused.. could it be that this is a golem, a strange creature who just learned how to speak, after all.. The Gargoyles where more able to talk than... this guy!
"Tha.. thats the isle where you are on, stranger."
Johnson hasted to his display, ready to sell this person anything.. of only he would go away or speak more than two words!]

I think know we know why there was never a Black Gate novel....

Re: Gaye taking over

Post by suraimu »

Actually, wouldn't Johnson have replied to "Buy!" with "Fare thee well, stranger."? :)

Black Gate novel, no, but there were a couple of Ultima novels. The
only one that I've had a chance to read being the Ultima 5 novel called
'Forge of Virtue' (Yes, I realize that's odd - although it did come out
before ultima7 did.) It wasn't that good, really. It used some incidental
characters that weren't in U5 that did some weird crap that never
happened in U5 with lots of elements of Britannia that never existed
in any of the games. Creativity is great, but this book just plain seemed
to pull a Lawnmower Man on Ultima5. :)
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Re: Gaye taking over

Post by drcode »

Yes, I read that book, along with a sequel. It looked like there should have been a third book in the series, but I never found it.

And you're right; it wasn't particularly good.

OTOH, a couple of the Wing Commander books weren't bad at all. It's kind of sad to think about how far Origin has fallen since its glory days.