Missing Sound

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Adrian Powici

Missing Sound

Post by Adrian Powici »

I've recently upgraded to Windows XP and since doing so I have lost all the sound effects in both Ultima's, Ive tried turning the sound effects off and on again but to no effect, I've also searched down the back of the sofa and behind the fridge, but there not there either.

Im running the latest snapshot, have a Live! and the music in the game works fine.

Any thoughts
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Re: Missing Sound

Post by Dominus »

Take a look at the documentation in the Audio section. My guess would be that you lost the sfx-files that are needed by exult. Without those two files (jmsfx.flx and jmsisfx.flx) you won´t get any sound (technically speaking you need only one of those to get music working in one of the two games)
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Adrian Powici

Re: Missing Sound

Post by Adrian Powici »

Found the problem, thanks for your help.

My CFG was looking for jmsfxsi.flx when the file is jmsisfx.flx, don't know how this happened as it always worked before.

Don't know if anyone else has had this problem???